First step

Clone the gbwtgraph repository recursively

git clone --depth=1 --recursive

This will clone all the dependencies (recursively), which will then have to compile manually. To achieve that, is essential to make some modifications to the Makefiles. both gbwt and gbwt graph depend on sdsl-lite, located (at the time of writing) in deps/gbwt/deps/sdsl-lite and is different than the path in Makefiles, the later being "SDSL_DIR=../sdsl-lite". The most convenient way to fix this is by creating symbolic links. From one level outside the cloned project run:

cd ../ && ln -s gbwtgraph/deps/gbwt/deps/sdsl-lite ./sdsl-lite && cd gbwtgraph/deps && ln -s gbwt/deps/sdsl-lite sdsl-lite && ../

Install sdsl-lite

Next compile and install the sdsl-lite go to gbwtgraph/deps/gbwt/deps/sdsl-lite and edit CMakeLists.txt then add somewhere at the top of the file


This flag is required for a dynamic library build.

Next run cmake

cmake . && make && sudo make install

Ignore sudo if for some reason you already have the necessary privileges.

Install gbwt

For that project the -fPIC flag seems to be included so a simple make will suffice. Navigate to gbwtgraph/deps/gbwt and run

make && make install && sudo ./install /usr/local/ && ../

Install libhandlegraph

From gbwtgraph/deps/libhandlegraph run

cmake . && make CXXFLAGS="-fPIC" && sudo make install

Install gbwtgraph

Here the make file is well preconfigured. So from the top level of the gbwtgraph repository run

make && make install && sudo ./install /usr/local/ && ../

Now the folder /usr/local/lib must include the following files libhandlegraph.a libgbwt.a libgbwtgraph.a

Last step: compile the wrapper

Clone the wrapper


cd gbwt-wrapper && gcc -c -fPIC gbwt_wrapper.cpp; g++ -o -Wl,--whole-archive /usr/local/lib/libgbwtgraph.a /usr/local/lib/libhandlegraph.a /usr/local/lib/libsdsl.a /usr/local/lib/libgbwt.a -Wl,--no-whole-archive -shared gbwt_wrapper.o -pthread -fopenmp

Or just run build.script. Eventually you will end up with in /usr/local/lib

You can find the list of exposed functions here